Make and machine a hardwood chopping board
Beginner woodworking
Are you looking to make a beautiful hardwood object and learn some machining skills in the process? This course covers a range of machining and hand tool skills in a safe and encouraging environment.
Over a weekend, you will learn about, and have hands-on experience, with machining a range of beautiful Australian hardwoods, before designing and gluing up your very own chopping board blank, machining it to size, and finishing by hand. This course includes learning how to safely use a jointer/planer, thicknesser, table saw, band saw, and drop saw.
This course is sure to be popular so book in today so as to not miss out! to take home.
2 x 4.5 hour sessions across two consecutive days
$449 per person
Open to students 18+
Course includes moderate physical exertion
By the end of this introduction to woodwork course, you should be able to:
Appreciate the value of second-hand timber
Understand the structural properties of timber
Safely and effectively use a variety of traditional hand tools
Understand woodworking terminology
Use a range of hand planes and square and straighten a range of timbers
Make your own reclaimed timber serving board
Understand different woodworking finishes
Have the confidence to start your own projects at home
This workshop is aimed at people with no experience with woodwork. It is open to anyone 18 years and over.
The course is run using entirely hand tools so you need to be aware that there is an element of physicality involved. -
By the end of this introduction to woodwork course, you should be able to:
Appreciate the value of second-hand timber
Understand the structural properties of timber
Safely and effectively use a variety of traditional hand tools
Understand woodworking terminology
Use a range of hand planes and square and straighten a range of timbers
Make your own reclaimed timber cheese/chopping board
Understand different woodworking finishes
Have the confidence to start your own projects at home
You are encouraged to bring your own facemask, protective eyewear and ear protection however sanitised Personal Protective Equipment will be available to use. Any borrowed PPE needs to be sanitised after use.
You are required to wear closed-toe shoes.
Please wear clothing that can get dirty (e.g. sawdust will be present).
Long hair needs to be tied back and no loose hanging jewellery should be worn.